learn by heart

原文解釋: to learn something so well that it can be written or recited without thinking;

               to memorize something

中文解釋: 牢記、背誦、熟記之意思。


1. We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can

2. The director told me to learn my speech by heart.

3. I had to go over it many times before I learned it by heart.

4. Try to learn by heart these English words and phrases.

5. a. How did you learn to ride all the trains in Japan?

    b. It took me a while but after riding it everyday, I learned it by heart!

6. a. What's the hardest thing for the teacher on the first day of class?

    b. It's probably learning the students' names by heart.


    英文片語 learn by heart

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